Technology Enhances PHS Care
Today is the last day of National Health IT Week. And while every IT department keeps business flowing through the management of computers, networks, and other technical areas, the PHS IT department does so much more – they keep our patient information protected and updated in real time to facilitate the safest and most streamlined care for all of our kiddos. So how did we get where we are today with our advanced technology and electronic health record (EHR) system?
Implementing a New System
To help keep patient information as cohesive and seamless as possible, it was determined that every aspect of the company should work on the same program – whether they be recording insurance information, updates to care or shipment information. It was difficult to find a program as complex as our services, but methodically selecting and implementing was important.
“PHS is a comprehensive service provider when it comes to homecare, “explained In-House Counsel, Cameo Zehnder. “We needed the same thing when it came to our EHR software vendor.”
Once it was decided that a system called CPR+ was the best fit for what we do, it was implemented in stages – with infusion nursing & pharmacy being the first department to use it in 2007. After several system enhancements and testing, departments slowly transitioned onto this program and by 2011, all clinical services (respiratory, nutrition and social work) were documenting in CPR+.
“Clinicians chart multiple times a day and provide so much information to our patients and other care providers, that we needed to make sure that the system was as perfect as it could be before we went live,” said Information Technology Manager Rick Mueller.
Finally, in April 2012, the implementation was complete when operational departments like customer service, billing, warehouse and biomedical transitioned onto this new system.Here’s an idea of how CPR+ might look in action:
What are the benefits?
All of the information is in one place for those involved in the child’s care. Whether the patient is on one PHS service or three, everyone has accurate, up to date information available to coordinate care, insurance, and supplies. Even as PHS private duty nurses are in the home, they can chart directly into the EHR on a PHS laptop – providing information others can see immediately, and ultimately leading to the best, safest care possible.
In CPR+, equipment performance can be better monitored. Complete troubleshooting, testing and repair documentation is done in one place, so our Biomedical staff can trend reports and identify repeated concerned related to a specific serial number or fleet of equipment. This leads to better functioning equipment for our families, and the knowledge that we’re sending the best out the door.
And of course, having everyone in one system enhances security and privacy – our IT department ensures the strongest measures are in place to protect patient privacy.
Thanks to our IT department and their incredible knowledge, CPR+ allows PHS to be the hub of communication – for our staff, your family, and our partners in care – and is crucial in providing multi-faceted care for each child we serve.
Originally published: September 20, 2013