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ENFit: Medicine Delivery

Drawing Up Medicine with ENFit

PHS now has two options for families using ENFit connectors who need to draw up medicine.

***Please note these options are not available at all PHS locations.***

Option 1:

The NeoConnect Fill Cap Coupler. The coupler works with the current oral bottle adapters.

ENFit medicine cap and coupler
ENFit medicine cap and coupler

Option 2:

A medicine straw can be used to draw up liquid medicine. Watch the video below to learn how to use a medicine straw (click the square in the bottom right corner of the video to view in a larger screen.)

Note: The package you receive your medicine straw in may be labeled milk straw, please note that this is the same item.

phs-tip If needed, trim your medicine straw to minimize potential medication loss inside the straw. Keep in mind the depth of your medication bottle(s) when trimming your medicine straw.


Click here to visit our ENFit FAQ section with answers to common questions related to the ENFit connector changes. Or for additional information please visit the GEDSA website.