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Washing you hands can be fun


They’re not fun for any child but they mean something much more serious to a family with a medically-fragile child. We’re talking about infections, even ones as simple as the common cold can mean potential hospitalization, new medications and a much longer time for recuperation. PHS wants to do all we can to help prevent illnesses from creeping into the lives of our patients and to keep them thriving at home.

Scrub a dub dub

Winter is on its way, everyone is so busy and with kids back in school its easy to forget how many germs we all come into contact with on a daily basis. It takes just a minute, yet hand washing is the single best way to avoid getting sick. Teach your kids how to properly cleanse their hands and encourage them to do so often at school, home and when out and about. Be sure to share this video with your friends and family as a fun reminder to ensure we all do what we can to stay germ and infection free this winter season.

Hand washing humor

To bring a little levity to the otherwise “sterile” (pun absolutely intended) topic, a couple PHS employees came up with a creative way to remind our staff to wash their hands as often as possible. Check out the fun below.

Step By Step Guide:

  • Wash hands for at least 15-20 seconds (Sing the “Happy Birthday” song 2x)
  • Turn off faucet with paper towel
  • Dry hands with air dryer or clean paper towel
  • Use paper towel to open bathroom door
  • Use hand sanitizer between washing
  • Avoid touching your face, eyes or nose

As a handy hand washing reminder to families, PHS created the Think ABC to Prevent the Spread of Infection poster, feel free to print it out or call 651-642-1825 and we’ll send you a copy to put by the sink in your bathroom or kitchen.

Originally published: September 27, 2012