Flush an IV Catheter Using the SASH Method (Cómo purgar un catéter intravenoso con el método SASH)
You use the SASH (Saline, Administer infusion, Saline, Heparin) method to flush your child’s IV catheter when infusing medicine or fluids. Flushing with saline before and after you give...
Changing a Needleless Connector (Cómo cambiar un conector sin aguja)
A needleless connector attaches to the end of your child’s IV catheter. The connector keeps germs from entering your child’s vein and keeps blood from leaking out of the...
Bandage Change on a Central IV Catheter (Cambio del apósito para el catéter intravenoso central)
A bandage (also called a dressing) covers your child’s IV catheter entrance site. The catheter bandage keeps the IV catheter from moving and stops germs from entering your child’s...