Speaking Valve Trial (Prueba de válvula del habla)
A speaking valve allows a patient with a trach tube to vocalize. Watch this family trial a speaking valve and hear their baby’s voice for the very first time.
Minimal Leak Technique (Técnica de escape mínimo)
This video demonstrates properly inflating a cuffed trach tube using minimal leak technique (MLT). This technique inflates the cuff enough to minimize leak but ensures low pressure on the...
Emergency Trach Tube Change (Cambio de emergencia de tubo traqueal)
This video shows how to perform a trach tube change in an emergency. A caregiver should be able to respond to the patient and provide emergency airway management without...
Routine Trach Tube Change (Cambio rutinario del tubo traqueal)
This video demonstrates a two-person method for changing a trach tube. There are other methods you could use. We feel this method has more flexibility for the caregivers and...
Trach Stoma Care (Cuidado del estoma)
This video shows how to maintain a trach tube, clean around a trach stoma, and change trach tube ties. PHS created this video as a companion to our online...
Life with a Trach
When a parent finds out their child needs a trach it can be devastating, scary and a moment they feel will impact their lives forever. Hear from real parents,...