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Parents Helping Parents: Resources & Support Groups

Families who have children with medical complexities have access to support groups and other individuals who understand the road they’re on – but if families don’t know about these outstanding resources available to them, they can be left feeling isolated and under supported. By sharing the groups they’ve found along the way, a family’s road becomes a little smoother, more populated, and most importantly – supported.

To share the support groups & resources they’ve found along the way, we asked our followers on Facebook to share their favorites – and what a list they pulled together. Check out the organizations below, and visit the website listed to learn more or find out how you can be involved.

Do you have any groups to add to the list?

What are your favorite resources or support groups for families of children with medical complexities?

Honestly, my biggest support comes from my Facebook support groups!

Facebook groups are a big support. Love Beads of Courage for my little man 😉 I wish there were actual support groups, however we would probably never make it with our hectic schedule! Maybe a PHS picnic?!

A few friends and I created a support group called Hmong Special Needs ot help with the complexities of our culture while maneuvering the healthcare system. We try to meet up once per month and support each other on Facebook as well. We now have members across the US and a strong base here in MN, but we’re still very new.

Feeding Tube Awareness on Facebook

Beads of Courage – providing innovative, arts-in-medicine supportive care programs for children coping with serious illness, their families, and the healthcare providers who care for them.

Make a Wish – granting wishes for children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength, and joy.

Icing Smiles – provides custom celebration cakes and other treats to families impacted by the critical illness of a child.

PACER Center – expanding opportunities and enhancing the quality of life of children and young adults with disabilities and their families.

HopeKids – providing ongoing events and activities and a powerful, unique support community for families who have a child with cancer or another life-threatening medical condition.

MN Hands & Voices – providing a variety of support services to families of children who have been recently identified as deaf or hard of hearing, as well as families further along in their journey.

Originally published: November 11, 2014