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Sebastian Completes a Colorful Run With His Brothers

1407110340805_IMG_20140802_102905_147This past Saturday, PHS patient Sebastian completed a 5k with the help of his two older brothers. Just a week before the Kaleidoscope 5k to benefit Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge, Cody and Joshua, both recent high school graduates and track athletes, decided they wanted to do the run and include Sebastian in the fun.

They spent time beforehand doing practice runs to ensure Sebastian could handle going the whole distance without encountering any health concerns, and also wanted to get used to running while pushing a wheelchair.

Soon, it was race time – and Sebastian was excited to take off.20140802_093417

After needing to be suctioned right before the race took off, Sebastian and his brothers soon joined the other 500 participants, dodging and weaving past runners as Cody and Joshua alternated pushing the wheelchair. And despite stopping four times to make sure Sebastian was doing well, they came in with an impressive seventh place finish. At the end of the race, Cody and Joshua were covered in colors (Sebastian stayed color-free), and ready to do another race before the year is over.20140802_093646

Seeing our patients out in their community and participating in events is exactly why PHS does everything possible to keep kiddos healthy at home – they’re able to lead involved, active and thriving lifestyles alongside family and friends. We are so happy to hear about Sebastian’s big run – has your kiddo completed a fun activity or event recently? Share their story with us!

Originally published: August 12, 2014