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RT Scholarship Offers Assistance to Students

Are you studying to be a respiratory therapist? Do you know someone who is? Spread the word about our RT Scholarship – it’s open right now for applicants! Submissions will be accepted through March 14.

For the third year, PHS is offering three scholarships to students who currently attend, or have recently graduated from, a respiratory therapy program. Two $500 scholarships and one $1,000 grand prize scholarship will be awarded after a review committee selects students based on their transcripts, letters of recommendation, and essays describing why they chose a career in respiratory therapy.

Previous grand prize winner, Xe Yang (pictured right, with Director of Respiratory Service, Derek Hustvet, BS, RRT-NPS, LRT), looks forward to helping children with respiratory needs. “With today’s improved technology, I hope to one day be part of a service that helps children become active and live freely while maintaining a healthy well-being with their condition,” she says.

If you, or someone you know, are interested in applying for this scholarship, you can find more information (including a video from Derek) and the application process on the PHS Facebook page.

Good luck to all applicants!

Originally published: January 3, 2014