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Patient Spotlight: Meet Garrett

Pediatric Home Service has always lived by the mission of ‘taking care of the child‘, we have made it our goal to always provide the best care for our patients and their families, every single day. In our new monthly Patient Spotlight segment you’ll read stories and see pictures of some very special kiddos and their families. PHS kids truly do thrive and we’re excited to be able to share their stories.

Good things come in small packages: Garrett’s story

We learned that Garrett would be born with Spina Bifida and Arnold Chiari II Malformation during a routine ultrasound when I was approximately 20 weeks pregnant.

After he was born we spent a little over a week in the NICU.  We were home for a week before rushing to the ER, where he was admitted to the PICU for six weeks.

Garrett continues to beat out the odds

Garrett needs frequent suctioning.  He aspirates, so we are very careful about the tastes he takes by mouth.  We have nebs on hand at all times and give them at the first sign of respiratory illness.  We have our PHS Respiratory Therapist, Carrie, in-home nursing to help us monitor him and his pulmonologist is updated weekly, so any change in his health status is quickly addressed.

We are very proud of how far Garrett has come!  We worked with PHS and our team of health care professionals to take him from being on a ventilator 24/7 to only needing it while sleeping.  PHS Dietitian, Teresa helped Garrett transition from not consuming anything orally to taking small tastes of yogurt, pudding, and apple sauce.  The majority of his nutrition is a blended diet through his G-tube, which he handles so well that we have been able to decrease the medication he takes for reflux.  He is walking great.  His speech was delayed, but he has always worked hard to communicate – first with sign language, and now, most people can understand just about everything he says!  He is very smart – he knows his colors, numbers, letters…  I could go on and on!!

Garrett’s favorite things

Garrett loves to play and watch sports – baseball, basketball and golf are his favorite right now.  He plays on a Miracle baseball team in the summertime.  (Garrett’s PHS respiratory therapist, Carrie had a great time cheering him on at his game this past summer.) He also likes to read books, sing, play with Play-Doh, blow bubbles, go to the park, and wrestle with his older sister.

phs, pediatric home service, thrive, homecare, respiratory therapy, nutrition services, spina bifida, arnold chiari malformation II

Left to right: Garrett with his mom, dad and older sister; Garrett walking off the field at the Miracle game after a great inning; Garret with PHS RT Carrie.

The difference of home care

We first learned about PHS by a social worker at the hospital. When Garrett was in the hospital, our goal was to get him home as quickly as possible, PHS helped make that dream a reality.  Being able to care for Garrett at home means more time together as a family. My husband and I would have to split time between the hospital with Garrett and at home with our daughter. It also allows us to give him more opportunities to be out in the community, so that he can develop socially as well as physically and cognitively.

If you’d like your child to be featured in our monthly Patient Spotlight on the PHS Thrive Blog,  just send an email to and we’ll touch base with you for more information and pictures of your All-Star.

Originally published: October 23, 2012