Clinical Online Education
Blood Sampling: General Concepts (Online)
Blood Sampling courses build on foundational knowledge presented in PHS' IV Basics course. Completion of IV Basics is strongly recommended before taking this course.
This interactive, narrated, self-paced online course focuses on general blood sampling concepts related to blood collection, with an emphasis on the home care patient. In addition, extra information is added for blood sampling for the pediatric patient. Topics include
- Blood sample labeling and lab requisitions
- Blood collection tube selection
- Special handling of blood samples
An optional, in-classroom lab for hands-on time is available at Pediatric Home Service in Roseville, MN. You must enroll in the lab if you want to attend. Select this link for more information.
0.75 contact hours will be awarded to online class participants.
Criteria for successful completion to receive 0.75 contact hours
- Completion of all course modules
- Achieving a passing score of 85% on post-test
- Completion and submission of evaluation form
There is no conflict of interest for anyone with the ability to control content of this activity.
This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by the Montana Nurses Association, an accredited approver with distinction by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Activity Number 2023-0000000951. Expiration date 5/27/2025.
Objectives: Upon completion of the course the participant will be able to
- Identify the key pieces of information required on a lab requisition and blood collection tube label.
- Discuss the different color-coded blood collection tubes and their uses.
- Identify the proper order for filling blood collection tubes.
- Discuss the proper way to transport blood samples to the laboratory.
Course authors: Jean Stumpf, BSN, CRNI and Jill Wall, RN, CRNI
For best learner experience, we recommend viewing this course on any desktop or laptop computer. The course may not display well when taken with an iPad, some mobile phones, or an Android tablet.
If you are experiencing technical difficulty or have questions about your online course, please email We will respond to your email within one business day. Regular business hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central/Standard time.
Price: $10