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Meet Jasmin and Lance.

Born: 2012 & 2017

Diagnosis:  Autosomal recessive congenital hypomyelination neuropathy

Services used: Respiratory therapy & equipment, enteral nutrition


Both Jasmin and Lance were born with autosomal recessive congenital hypomyelination neuropathy, a diagnosis that makes it challenging to have the muscle strength to breathe, to sit up, and to interact.


PHS provides respiratory therapy and clinical nutrition as well as all the supplies and expertise needed to help Jasmin and Lance make the very most of every day with their family.


Before Jasmin’s passing in June 2022, she and her brother – along with their family – were able to fill their days with activities and adventures, and travelling as much as possible.

Share Jasmin's Story

“They're creators, they're teachers in their own right. They're the best teachers I've had about living life. ”

- Maria, Lance and Jasmin's mom

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