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Attending Thursdays on First in Rochester, MN

Last week, a few PHS staff were able to get down to Rochester to visit Thursdays on First (a weekly summer outdoor market with over 100 art, craft and food vendors and live entertainment), and put together some best tips for traveling to this event, with the focus on wheelchair accessibility needs and other special considerations. Here are the details to ensure you have a great day on First!

Thursdays on First_7.29

Stay Safe Outdoors

When you’re spending an extended period of time outside, it’s important to ensure you and your group are staying hydrated. Make sure you check out the signs and ways to  stay hydrated in this video by our medical director, Roy Maynard. There are plenty of food and beverage options at Thursdays on First, so make sure you’re taking in fluids throughout the day to stay safe.

If it’s sunny outside, bring the sunscreen and apply regularly to avoid sunburn. The sun is powerful this time of year!


Originally published: July 29, 2014