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Honoring Mothers and Nurses During a Very Special Week

Quick, who makes your home safe and comfortable and is always there with good advice and calm, steady care?

Mom? You’re partly right. As Mother’s Day approaches, PHS is also celebrating National Nurses Week, May 6 – 12 this year.

All this week, PHS is honoring our team of home health care nurses. We’re proud they keep our kids and families safe and comfortable at home. We do our best to ensure they have the latest training, skills, equipment, and supplies to guide parents and other caregivers in taking care of each child. They do their best to also fit in to our families schedules.

According to the American Nurses Association (ANA), nursing is often described as an art and a science, a profession that embraces dedicated people with varied interests and strengths. Nurses have many roles, and serve all of them with passion for the profession and with a strong commitment to patient safety.

PHS couldn’t agree more.

ANA also reminds us that National Nurses Week was selected to run through May 12 because it’s the birthday of Florence Nightingale.

So Happy Nurses Week to our precious PHS nurses, including these infusion therapy and clinical specialist nurses pictured below. Missing in this photo collage are the newest members of our PHS family, and that’s our Home Care Nurses. We can’t leave them out of this very special celebration and wanted to thank them for all they do in taking care of the child!

PHS nurses are the best in town!

“Being a nurse isn’t about grades. It’s about being who we are. No book can teach you how to cry with a patient. No book can teach you how to tell a family member that their parents have died or are dying. No professors can teach you how to find dignity in giving someone a bed bath. A nurse is Not about the pills, the IVs, and the charting. It’s about being able to LOVE people when they are at their WEAKEST moments and being able to forgive them for all their wrongs and make a difference in their lives today. No one can make you a nurse…YOU JUST ARE.” ~Anonymous

And Happy Mother’s Day to our very precious moms. We appreciate you!

Originally published: May 6, 2011