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Bowling to Benefit Kids

PHS helps raise money for U of M’ s Amplatz Children’s Hospital

At PHS, we help kids thrive every day—usually in their homes.

But last week, staffers carried out the company’s mission at a bowling alley—by participating in Dave Lee’s Gutter Bowl 5 and helping to raise money for the University of Minnesota’s Amplatz Children’s Hospital.

The annual WCCO bowling tournament is just one of six to ten events PHS supports each year. Through our Sharing Care program, we volunteer and make financial contributions and in-kind donations to charitable initiatives that enhance the lives of special needs children.

Sharing care team, gutter bow, dave Lee, ampltaz children's hospital, wcco, phs, pediatric home service

PHS fielded two teams for this year’s event, held February 18 at the Brunswick Zone at Brooklyn Park. It may be a charity event, but it’s also highly competitive—so we admit we stacked one team with our best employee bowlers. It’s also a ton of fun for all the participants—and more importantly for PHS bowlers, it’s a way to support a local children’s hospital that takes such good care of kids like the patients PHS serves every day.

Here are a few more photos from the event:

Some of the bowlers with Victor, the Vikings Mascot

Susan Wingert and Mark Hamman President and Vice President of PHS on the radio with Dave Lee of WCCO

Sharing Care volunteer, Rick, shows off his bowling form

Check out a full album of photos from the Gutter Bowl 5 on the PHS facebook page here.

What are your favorite charitable events that benefit children? Do you have suggestions for how PHS or others can get involved in organizations or efforts that improve the lives of kids? We’d love to hear from you.

Originally published: February 25, 2011