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Supporting Local Children’s Hospitals

Remember the place where you met someone very special for the very first time?

PHS does.

We first meet most of our children while they are patients in local children’s hospitals. It’s always the start of a very special bond with these kids and their families.

So we’re proud to “Adopt A Room” at the new University of Minnesota Amplatz Children’s Hospital and to “Fill a Room with Care” at Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota.  PHS made these sponsorships through the Sharing Care program. Local hospitals like these are a good fit because they are involved in basic science and research aimed to improve treatment and care for critically ill children. We share the same mission, which is to make a difference in the lives of sick children and their families, whether it’s at home or during a hospital stay.

Amplatz Childrens hospital, adopt a room, pediatric home service, phs, sharing care

Susan Wingert, President and Mark Hamman, Vice President in the PHS sponsored room at The University of Minnesota Amplatz Children’s Hospital

The actual rooms at both hospitals are designed with technology, equipment, and spacious layouts to uniquely care for children while they are in the hospital. The private rooms are built to enhance the healing process, reduce stress levels, minimize exposure to infections and keep families connected while a child is in the hospital.

Rooms at both hospitals feature smart room technology so young patients control the room’s lights, TVs, communication and video-conferencing, allowing them to stay connected with their school, relatives, and friends.

It’s an ideal environment to help kids heal to the point where they can go home, which is, of course, the most special place of all.

Has your child experienced hospital stays? What features most helped him or her—and your family? We’d love to hear about it.

Originally published: May 13, 2011