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After 17 Years of Expertise, a Hard But Well-Deserved Goodbye

The end of this month will be a little tougher than usual at PHS, as a leader in the company says her final goodbyes and kicks off a well-deserved retirement than has been a long time in the making. On March 31, our Senior Vice President of Operations, Pam Clifton, will hand down the patient satisfaction surveys and de-link the last piece of her paper chain – but her impact on this company will be felt long after she sets up her watercolor easel and settles into a new pace. Through her involvement in the creation of and our electronic health records system (CPR+), among other projects, Pam played an integral role in advancing how PHS takes care of the child.

Hear more from Pam about what her fondest memories at PHS are, what she plans to do in retirement, and what advice she leaves to staff before she leaves, as well as a word from PHS president Mark.

We’ll miss you, Pam!

Originally published: March 29, 2016