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Hunger Mission Radiothon a Huge Success

Tis the season for giving to those in need

On Thursday Nov. 17 Union Gospel Mission (UGM) hosted their annual Hunger Mission radiothon. The radiothon raises money to feed the homeless and those in need for the holiday season. The event was hosted and ran by radio station WCCO (830 AM). Radio personalities such as Dave Lee and Michele Tafoya highlighted the Mission’s work throughout the day (6 AM to 6 PM).

This year’s “Hunger Mission 2011” was a wonderful success, raising $144,506.90 or 73,728 meals and care! This is nearly $39,000 more than was raised last year!

According to UGM,  one of the most touching parts of the day was a mom and her son, Isabelle and Jimmy, who had experienced some real hardships of their own, but wanted to donate to help someone else. They only had $2 to give and kept apologizing it was so little. I told them that it could make all the difference in the world to someone who was hungry! Later in the day Jimmy came back with $6.00 more!

Pediatric Home Service was happy to be able to participate in the radiothon again this year by offering a matching segment during the radiothon where all donations in the PHS time slot were doubled, up to $5,000.  UGM is an organization that PHS has supported for many years, everyone here at PHS feels grateful that UGM is available to those in need in our community. The success of the radiothon shows the true spirit of community we all have here in the Twin Cities.

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

Originally published: December 16, 2011