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Top Spots in Minnesota: Shakopee Library Looks for Ways to Make Their Space Accommodating

This year, we set out to find the best businesses, organizations, and support groups for families with special needs across the state of Minnesota. By surveying the community, we got insights into the spots that make life a bit easier for these parents, children, and caregivers alike and named them PHS Top Spots. We’ve compiled a list of the winners at to serve as a resource for families, and are excited to periodically highlight the winners in various categories and share our adventures with you throughout the year.

When a business is named a Top Spot on our list, we know they’re doing something right for families with special needs in Minnesota. But when the winners of three categories all fall within one city, it’s hard to deny there are some great conversations and decisions happening to make their overall landscape as accessible as possible.

This is the case for the city of Shakopee, who recently won top downtown, accessible playground, and library in our survey. Last month we learned about their new Fun For All Playground and saw all the equipment that makes play accessible for everybody, and today we’re stopping at their library – located in downtown Shakopee – to learn more about what makes these top spots for families with special needs. Join us as we learn more from their staff and the families who frequent this library!

Originally published: November 9, 2017