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PHS Home Care for Patients With Tracheobronchitis

Pediatric home care is what we do. For more than two decades, PHS has provided compassionate, comprehensive, specialized, high quality in-home care to pediatric patients, no matter what their medical challenges.

A multidisciplinary PHS team collaborates to do everything possible to help our patients with tracheobronchitis live life to the fullest – at home.

  • A physician may determine that a child needs additional respiratory treatments or antibiotic treatment given in a manner that requires intravenous access. PHS respiratory therapists provide education and ongoing support on breathing related issues and special respiratory equipment that a child may need to heal at home.
  • Should intravenous medications be required, PHS infusion nurses provide education [TBD] about the medication and administer the medication.
  • PHS infusion and home care nurses also provide assessment of the child’s status and communicate with the patient’s physician.
  • The PHS medical director attends team care rounds and presents medical updates and new treatment modalities in caring for patients with tracheobronchitis.
  • clinical social worker provides support in locating additional information, programs, services and community resources specific to the patient’s diagnosis.
  • PHS provides 24/7 on-call assistance to families receiving our service.

Meet PHS Patient Easton

About Tracheobronchitis

Tracheobronchitis is inflammation affecting the lower respiratory tract: the trachea or windpipe and the bronchi. It is usually a viral or bacterial infection, although sometimes chemical, physical, or allergic antigens can be responsible for the inflammation. Tracheobronchitis usually starts with a dry, non-productive cough, but may lead to coughing up phlegm. The inflammation also may develop into a significant bacterial infectious bronchitis, and in these cases, the phlegm will be purulent and may be tinged with blood. A fever may or may not be present, and shortness of breath may or may be present.

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